Our Services

  • Assist with monitoring the Legislature on any legislative bills, resolutions, amendments, holdover legislation, interim studies, or rules & regulation hearings relating to issues affecting client and take action when necessary;
  • Long term assistance to identify alternatives to government resources;
  • Monitor, update and educate at grassroots level and organize efforts when a "call to action" is necessary;
  • Monitor community activities and provide client with pertinent information affecting client;
  • Provide on-going education of elected officials regarding client issues;
  • Provide political strategy, interview candidates; make recommendations on contributions to elected officials and candidates;
  • Attend meetings and monitor activities of related groups, associations, and organizations;
  • Identify elected leaders to become client’s best advocates;
  • Monitor executive branch appointments to boards & commissions impacting client;
  • Monitor judicial branch activities affecting client;
  • Other duties as assigned.